Sow / Breeding

Follow up and check your different genetics, the performance of sows, gilts and boars, the mortality causes of your livestock on the farm. The different illnessest, farrowings, weanings, semen collections. The measured back fat thicknesses during different operations, the performance of your inseminators and the cullings.



The main page of the software which can designed based on your needs to display all graphs and statistics which you would like to check at first.
piglets sucking


Send the obligatory reports to DanAvl and Hypor with one click. Check the performance of your genetics, sows, boars etc. Follow-up your aim of breeding.


To fully setup your virtual farm with all data of all barns, silos, feed mixers, products, genetics, partners etc.
swines loaded onto the truck


All transactions and events - also reportable ones - can be recorded here. You can check the profitability of all rotations with just a few click.

What is more, you can check and follow-up your breeding objectives regarding your different accredited genetics, your future litters and the reproduction biology planning sheets. Perform cost analysis and create weekly reports - WEI, sows re-entering oestrus, pregnancy percentage and fertilisations and matings with graphs bsaed on sow-cycles. In addition you can issue feed and check your URS reports.

antibiotikum sertés


Follow-up on the medication and antibiotics consumption. Ordering is just one click since the signature of the veterinarian can be uploaded into the software.
Lekérdezések bélyegkép


Financial - result/animal, cost/kg -, Key Performance - LSPI, DWG, FCR, mortality - and Evaluation indicators.


Production planing and optimising module. Customer and genetics analysis - premium and grading. Comparison of feed plants. Experiments and ZMP rate.


For store, sync and structurize documents - feed and medicine orders, financial reports, bills etc.
In addition sort, categorize and reread e-mails.

Task manager

Record tasks, jobs, to-dos with comments and deadlines.
Check-lists per users and per farms.


Human Resources

Data sheets, assignments, activity lists, working hours.
Job descriptions, variables, bonuses and premiums.
külső adatok

External data

This module stands for communicating with the different IoT solutions on the farms like meters or identifying bots.