
The most important responsibility of society is to reduce the amount of antibiotics during animal protein production. Thanks to this we can reduce the number of MRSA disease cases caused by animal husbandry. Antibiotics are essential for this, but we need to track their usage and the state of our animal’s health.

LIVESTOCKER records automatically the treatment documentary in a totally closed system. This guaranties that you are already going to comply with the condition system of the new AMR program entered by the EU in 2022 and also comply with all reporting commitments.

LIVESTOCKER’s health module has the ability of sending e-receipt similarly those already used in human health. It is also able to show the amount of antibiotics used by each producing unit. The producer can choose that about which producing unit he wants to see these data for example: barns, rotations, batch; the program will show the measurement of antibiotics that were used for one kilogram animal product in milligram.

The most important data is the costs of used antibiotics per one animal, that together with the mortality percentage informs us about our work’s efficiency.
medicine cost per animal
The active agent used for one kilogram product will be the most important index in the near future. This will also be one of the indicators to reduce antibiotics usage and to improve reasonable usage.
Antibiotikum per hasított súly
Our purchase can not be efficient without knowing the used active agent. Using LIVESTOCKER will put you in a better position during purchase trials.
Hatóanyag per rotáció